HP LEGIC CARD READER, Academic Discount | Education Discount at JourneyEd.com
Hewlett-Packard (HP)
Product ID: 1958319 | Mfg Part #: 4QL32A
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Industry-leading secure print management

Documents should only be accessible to those who are authorized to print and distribute them. Nowhere is security more important than the physical locations of printers shared by large groups of people.

HP leads the industry with self-healing embedded security features that help customers secure their devices and documents at the network and data level. With our HP LEGIC Card Reader, we further enable industry-leading secure print management.

As part of a complete security solution, HP LEGIC readers provide secure authentication, authorization, and accounting for every user and print job. HP printers and MFPs can be more secure, inside and out.

Powerful authentication, easy integration

? This card reader is a flush-mount, ultra-slim form factor designed for the HP Hardware Integration Pocket (HIP). It provides the assurance of highly reliable access to HP devices.